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As such, the children of Hanamizaka set about searching for beautiful little trinkets with this song on their lips, before bringing them to Yoimiya, with expectation eagarly written on their faces.

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And you just said it yourself “I started a liking to ranged DPS” you might as well pull her, “the game is easy” after all.

Naganohara's fireworks are loved by all, and work in the shop is always in full swing. As such, people often feel that coming up to the door without important matters might hinder the work.

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Right in front of their eyes, straight into the sky. The sailors got such a huge fright — they thought one of their ships had somehow flown off! But Beidou liked that trick very much, saying that it was exactly what a pleasant surprise should be — very pleasant, and a surprise.

While squatting next to some children and watching them catch goldfish during one summer festival, I suddenly had a thought: could I make fireworks that could go off on the surface of the water?

The loveliest fireworks go along with the most wondrous moments. Tiny little emotions that can easily slip away are captured within these fireworks and passed down in a different form.

"When the last sparks of the fireworks have disappeared into the sky, they turn into rain and snow, and will fall upon the earth ele tem um bom argumento again, nourishing the land and nurturing humanity, so that someday they can be sent up into the sky again and display their magnificence." Of the many stories my father told me, this one is my favorite.

– Yoimiya has a bow, attacks fast and has a similar playstyle to Hu Tao (minus the health drain and charge attack reliant). Diluc has a claymore and brain dead playstyle that even a baby could do it.

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